BC Number, SIC Code and SWIFT Code for all Banks in Switzerland.

BC-Nummer, Bankenclearing-Nummer, BC Number or Bank Clearing Number is a numerical code used to identify an individual branch of a financial institution in Switzerland. The number consists of 3 to 5 digits, and it is used for domestic bank transfer. This number is also integrated into IBAN account numbers.

The format of BC Number is as follows;


  • the first digit (A) represents the banking groups.
  • the last two or up to four digit (BBBB) is the branch code identifier.

SIC Numbers is a six digits numerical code for use in the SIC and euroSIC systems. These numbers are used to process international payments. SIC used for settlement in Swiss Francs while euroSIC used for settlemet in Euro. The codes enable banks worldwide to utilize an efficient and inexpensive access to the euro finance marketplace and to the Swiss financial center.

The system manages and maintains by SIX Interbank Clearing on behalf of Schweizerische Nationalbank (SNB) or Swiss National Bank since 1987.

Credit Suisse - Page 2

The table below are the address and BC number for Credit Suisse branches in Switzerland. Click on the BC number to find out the SIC Code, SWIFT Code, bank details, address, telephone number and maps.

No Bank or Institution Canton City Street Address BC Number
51 Credit Suisse AG BE Tavannes Rue H.-F.-Sandoz 24 4835
52 CREDIT SUISSE AG BE Tavannes Rue H.-F.-Sandoz 24 545
53 Credit Suisse AG BE Thun Bälliz 36 4721
54 Credit Suisse AG BE Thun Bälliz 36 4835
55 CREDIT SUISSE AG BE Thun Bälliz 36 5356
56 Credit Suisse AG BE Tramelan Grand-Rue 129 4835
57 CREDIT SUISSE AG BE Tramelan Grand-Rue 129 547
58 Credit Suisse AG BE Worb Bahnhofstrasse 28 4835
59 CREDIT SUISSE AG BE Worb Bahnhofstrasse 28 5323
60 Credit Suisse AG BL Allschwil 1 Baslerstrasse 62 4017
61 Credit Suisse AG BL Allschwil 1 Baslerstrasse 62 4835
62 Credit Suisse AG BL Binningen Hauptstrasse 49 4115
63 Credit Suisse AG BL Binningen Hauptstrasse 49 4835
64 Credit Suisse AG BL Gelterkinden Allmendmarkt 4243
65 Credit Suisse AG BL Gelterkinden Allmendmarkt 4835
66 Credit Suisse AG BL Laufen Baselstrasse 12 4835
67 CREDIT SUISSE AG BL Laufen Baselstrasse 12 5308
68 Credit Suisse AG BL Liestal Rheinstrasse 8 4446
69 Credit Suisse AG BL Liestal Rheinstrasse 8 4835
70 CREDIT SUISSE AG BL Liestal Rheinstrasse 8 5366
71 Credit Suisse AG BL Muttenz 1 Hauptstrasse 82 4528
72 Credit Suisse AG BL Muttenz 1 Hauptstrasse 82 4835
73 Credit Suisse AG BL Pratteln 1 Bahnhofstrasse 11 4580
74 Credit Suisse AG BL Pratteln 1 Bahnhofstrasse 11 4835
75 CREDIT SUISSE AG BL Pratteln 1 Bahnhofstrasse 11 567
76 Credit Suisse AG BL Reinach BL Hauptstrasse 36 4596
77 Credit Suisse AG BL Reinach BL Hauptstrasse 36 4835
78 CREDIT SUISSE AG BL Reinach BL 1 Hauptstrasse 36 5318
79 Credit Suisse AG BS Basel Claraplatz, Untere Rebgasse 7 4061
80 Credit Suisse AG BS Basel Claraplatz, Untere Rebgasse 7 4835
81 CREDIT SUISSE AG BS Basel Claraplatz, Untere Rebgasse 7 505
82 Credit Suisse AG BS Basel Gundeldingen, Güterstrasse 253 4835
83 CREDIT SUISSE AG BS Basel Gundeldingen, Güterstrasse 253 5307
84 Credit Suisse AG BS Basel Schiffsfinanzierungen 4073
85 Credit Suisse AG BS Basel Spalenberg 65 4083
86 Credit Suisse AG BS Basel Spalenberg 65 4835
87 CREDIT SUISSE AG BS Basel Spalenberg 65 5363
88 Credit Suisse AG BS Basel St. Alban-Graben 1-3 4060
89 Credit Suisse AG BS Basel St. Alban-Graben 1-3 4835
90 CREDIT SUISSE AG BS Basel St. Alban-Graben 1-3 504
91 Credit Suisse AG BS Riehen 1 Baselstrasse 20 4614
92 Credit Suisse AG BS Riehen 1 Baselstrasse 20 4835
93 Credit Suisse AG FR Bulle Place du Tilleul 9 4147
94 CREDIT SUISSE AG FR Bulle Place du Tilleul 9 510
95 Credit Suisse AG FR Bulle Rue de Gruyères 2 4835
96 Credit Suisse AG FR Châtel-St-Denis Grand-Rue 39 4835
97 CREDIT SUISSE AG FR Châtel-St-Denis Grand-Rue 39 511
98 Credit Suisse AG FR Düdingen Hauptstrasse 16 4835
99 CREDIT SUISSE AG FR Düdingen Hauptstrasse 16 5375
100 Credit Suisse AG FR Fribourg Avenue de la Gare 13 4235