BC Number, SIC Code and SWIFT Code for all Banks in Switzerland.

BC-Nummer, Bankenclearing-Nummer, BC Number or Bank Clearing Number is a numerical code used to identify an individual branch of a financial institution in Switzerland. The number consists of 3 to 5 digits, and it is used for domestic bank transfer. This number is also integrated into IBAN account numbers.

The format of BC Number is as follows;


  • the first digit (A) represents the banking groups.
  • the last two or up to four digit (BBBB) is the branch code identifier.

SIC Numbers is a six digits numerical code for use in the SIC and euroSIC systems. These numbers are used to process international payments. SIC used for settlement in Swiss Francs while euroSIC used for settlemet in Euro. The codes enable banks worldwide to utilize an efficient and inexpensive access to the euro finance marketplace and to the Swiss financial center.

The system manages and maintains by SIX Interbank Clearing on behalf of Schweizerische Nationalbank (SNB) or Swiss National Bank since 1987.

Credit Suisse - Page 5

The table below are the address and BC number for Credit Suisse branches in Switzerland. Click on the BC number to find out the SIC Code, SWIFT Code, bank details, address, telephone number and maps.

No Bank or Institution Canton City Street Address BC Number
201 Credit Suisse AG LU Sursee Bahnhofstrasse 18 4706
202 Credit Suisse AG LU Sursee Bahnhofstrasse 18 4835
203 CREDIT SUISSE AG LU Sursee Bahnhofstrasse 18 5319
204 Credit Suisse AG NE Chaux-de-Fonds, La Avenue Léopold-Robert 58 4163
205 Credit Suisse AG NE Chaux-de-Fonds, La Avenue Léopold-Robert 58 4835
206 CREDIT SUISSE AG NE Chaux-de-Fonds, La Avenue Léopold-Robert 58 569
207 Credit Suisse AG NE Neuchâtel Place Pury 4 4531
208 Credit Suisse AG NE Neuchâtel Place Pury 4 4631
209 Credit Suisse AG NE Neuchâtel Rue de Seyon 12 4835
210 CREDIT SUISSE AG NE Neuchâtel Rue de Seyon 12 5345
211 CREDIT SUISSE AG NE Neuchâtel Rue de Seyon 12 587
212 Credit Suisse AG NW Hergiswil NW Seestrasse 15 4835
213 CREDIT SUISSE AG NW Hergiswil NW Seestrasse 15 5357
214 Credit Suisse AG NW Stans Bahnhofstrasse 2 4216
215 Credit Suisse AG NW Stans Bahnhofstrasse 2 4697
216 Credit Suisse AG NW Stans Bahnhofstrasse 2 4835
217 CREDIT SUISSE AG OW Sarnen Poststrasse 5 5377
218 Credit Suisse AG OW Sarnen 1 Poststrasse 5 4656
219 Credit Suisse AG OW Sarnen 1 Poststrasse 5 4835
220 Credit Suisse AG SG Altstätten SG Marktgasse 52 4023
221 Credit Suisse AG SG Altstätten SG Marktgasse 52 4835
222 Credit Suisse AG SG Bad Ragaz Am Platz 4835
223 Credit Suisse AG SG Bad Ragaz Dorfplatz 14 4049
224 CREDIT SUISSE AG SG Buchs SG Bahnhofstrasse 48 565
225 Credit Suisse AG SG Buchs SG 1 Bahnhofstrasse 48 4141
226 Credit Suisse AG SG Buchs SG 1 Bahnhofstrasse 48 4835
227 Credit Suisse AG SG Rapperswil SG Untere Bahnhofstrasse 28 4373
228 Credit Suisse AG SG Rapperswil SG Untere Bahnhofstrasse 28 4595
229 Credit Suisse AG SG Rapperswil SG Untere Bahnhofstrasse 28 4835
230 CREDIT SUISSE AG SG Rapperswil SG Untere Bahnhofstrasse 28 589
231 Credit Suisse AG SG St. Gallen St. Leonhardstrasse 3 4637
232 Credit Suisse AG SG St. Gallen St. Leonhardstrasse 3 4642
233 Credit Suisse AG SG St. Gallen St. Leonhardstrasse 3 4835
234 CREDIT SUISSE AG SG St. Gallen St. Leonhardstrasse 3 5344
235 CREDIT SUISSE AG SG St. Gallen St. Leonhardstrasse 33 539
236 Credit Suisse AG SG St. Margrethen SG Grenzstrasse 11 4644
237 Credit Suisse AG SG St. Margrethen SG Grenzstrasse 11 4835
238 CREDIT SUISSE AG SG St. Margrethen SG Grenzstrasse 11 5368
239 Credit Suisse AG SG Uzwil Bahnhofstrasse 76 4741
240 Credit Suisse AG SG Uzwil Bahnhofstrasse 76 4835
241 Credit Suisse AG SG Wil SG Obere Bahnhofstrasse 33 4787
242 Credit Suisse AG SG Wil SG 1 Obere Bahnhofstrasse 33 4835
243 CREDIT SUISSE AG SG Wil SG 1 Obere Bahnhofstrasse 33 552
244 Credit Suisse AG SH Schaffhausen Bahnhofstrasse 22 - 28 4659
245 Credit Suisse AG SH Schaffhausen Bahnhofstrasse 22 - 28 4835
246 CREDIT SUISSE AG SH Schaffhausen Bahnhofstrasse 22 - 28 5314
247 CREDIT SUISSE AG SH Schaffhausen Bahnhofstrasse 22 - 28 543
248 Credit Suisse AG SH Stein am Rhein Rathausplatz 19 4835
249 CREDIT SUISSE AG SH Stein am Rhein Rathausplatz 19 583
250 Credit Suisse AG SO Grenchen Am Marktplatz 4334